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Matching Server

The Matching Server is ready-to-use software intended for building moderate size client-server and other network-based systems like local AFIS or multi-biometric identification system. The Server software runs on a server PC and allows to perform the biometric template matching on server side using:

Multi-biometric matching can be enabled by running components for fingerprint, face, iris and voiceprint matching on the same machine.

Client communication module that allows sending a task to the Matching Server, querying status of the task, getting the results and removing the task from server, is included with MegaMatcher 2025.1 SDK, VeriFinger 2025.1 SDK, VeriLook 2025.1 SDK, VeriSpeak 2025.1 SDK and VeriEye 2025.1 SDK. This module hides all low level communications and provides high-level API for the developer.

The components and database support modules with source codes included for Matching Server component are listed in the table below. Custom modules for working with other databases can also be developed by integrator and used with the Matching Server software.

The table below shows what components are available with Matching Server software.

Components Windows Linux x86-64 macOS
• Matching server software +++
• Server administration tool API ++ 
Database support modules
• Microsoft SQL Server +  
• PostgreSQL ++ 
• MySQL ++ 
• Oracle ++ 
• SQLite +++
Programming samples
 • C# client +  
 • Visual Basic .NET client +  
 • Java web client +++
Programming tutorials
 • C/C++ ++ 
 • C# +  
 • Visual Basic .NET +  

The Matching Server component requires a special license that allows to run the Matching Server on all machines that run the fingerprint, face, iris or palm print matching components obtained by an integrator. The Matching Server software is included with:

  • MegaMatcher 2025.1 Standard or MegaMatcher 2025.1 Extended SDK;
  • VeriFinger 2025.1 Extended SDK;
  • VeriLook 2025.1 Extended SDK;
  • VeriEye 2025.1 Extended SDK.
  • VeriSpeak 2025.1 Extended SDK.

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