VeriSpeak SDK
Speaker recognition for stand-alone or client-server applications
VeriSpeak voice identification technology is designed for biometric system developers and integrators. The speaker recognition algorithm assures system security by checking both voice and phrase authenticity. Voiceprint templates can be matched in 1-to-1 (verification) and 1-to-many (identification) modes.
Available as a software development kit that allows development of stand-alone and network-based solutions on Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android platforms.
Features and Capabilities
- Text-dependent algorithm prevents unauthorized access with a covertly-recorded user voice.
- Two-factor authentication by checking voice biometrics and pass-phrase authenticity.
- Regular microphones and smartphones are suitable for recording user voices.
- Available as a multiplatform SDK that supports multiple programming languages.
- Reasonable prices, flexible licensing and free customer support.
The VeriSpeak algorithm implements voice enrollment and voiceprint matching using proprietary sound processing technologies:
- Text-dependent algorithm. The text-dependent speaker recognition is based on saying the same phrase for enrollment and verification. The VeriSpeak algorithm determines if a voice sample matches the template that was extracted from a specific phrase. During enrollment, one or more phrases are requested from the person being enrolled. Later that person may be asked to pronounce a specific phrase for verification. This method assures protection against the use of a covertly recorded random phrase from that person.
- Two-factor authentication with a passphrase. The VeriSpeak voiceprint-matching algorithm can be configured to work in a scenario where each user records a unique phrase (such as passphrase or an answer to a "secret question" that is known only by the person being enrolled). Later a person is recognized by his or her own specific phrase with a high degree of accuracy. The overall system security increases as both voice authenticity and passphrase are checked.
- Text-independent algorithm. The phrase-independent speaker recognition uses different phrases for user enrollment and recognition. This method is more convenient, as it does not require each user to remember the passphrase. It may be combined with the text-dependent algorithm to perform faster text-independent search with further phrase verification using the more reliable text-dependent algorithm.
- Automatic voice activity detection. VeriSpeak is able to detect when users start and finish speaking.
- Liveness detection. A system may request each user to enroll a set of unique phrases. Later the user will be requested to say a specific phrase from the enrolled set. This way the system can ensure that a live person is being verified (as opposed to an impostor who uses a voice recording).
- Identification capability. VeriSpeak functions can be used in 1-to-1 matching (verification) and 1-to-many (identification) modes.
- Multiple samples of the same phrase. A template may store several voice records with the same phrase to improve recognition reliability. Certain natural voice variations (i.e. hoarse voice) or environment changes (i.e. office and outdoors) can be stored in the same template.
- Fused matching. A system may ask users to pronounce several specific phrases during speaker verification or identification and match each audio sample against records in the database. The VeriSpeak algorithm can fuse the matching results for each phrase together to improve matching reliability.
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