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Smart City Expo

We participated in the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona on November 5-7, 2024 .

The Congress was a great experience for us. We spent the event meeting visitors, answering questions, and showcasing our products to people who were genuinely interested in what we do. It was exciting to demonstrate how our work fits into the bigger picture of smarter, more sustainable cities, and to discuss important topics like data privacy, digital trust, and the use of AI-based technologies.

We also had the chance to connect with industry leaders and experts, exchanging ideas and making valuable contacts along the way. Overall, it was a productive and inspiring opportunity to share what we're working on and learn from others in the field.

Products Showcase

Demo applicatons, based on our products, were showcased at the Smart City Expo: These product were used for the demo apps:

SentiVeillance graphics

Persons or vehicles recognition and tracking for video surveillance systems.

Overview   Go to website ›

NCheck graphics
Multi-biometric attendance management

All-in-one solution for employee and visitor registration. Access control for persons and vehicles.

Overview   Go to website ›

MegaMatcher ABIS graphics
MegaMatcher ABIS
Automated Biometric Identification System

Turnkey on-premise solution for national-scale multi-biometric identification projects.

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