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Related products

  • MegaMatcher ID system supports three biometric modalities, whicha are also available as single-biometric products:
    • Face Verification system – designed for integration of secure facial authentication into enterprise and consumer applications for mobile devices and PCs.
    • Voice Verification system – designed for integration of secure voiceprint authentication into enterprise and consumer applications for mobile devices and PCs.
    • Slap Verification SDK – designed for integration of secure, contactless fingerprint authentication into enterprise and consumer applications for regular smartphones.
  • MegaMatcher On Card SDK – a product for face, fingerprint and iris matching on smart cards. Biometric data from the MegaMatcher ID system can be imported for further authentication on smart cards, which run MegaMatcher On Card matching engines.
  • MegaMatcher Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) – a turnkey multi-biometric solution for national-scale identification projects. Available as on-premise solution and as cloud service.
  • MegaMatcher SDK – for development of multi-biometric face, fingerprint, iris, voice and palm print identification products.
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