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Neurotechnology Ranks First in Latest MINEX III Results

Neurotechnology's template generator and matcher top the NIST MINEX, ranking as the most interoperable and accurate fingerprint recognition system.

Vilnius, Lithuania – October 22, 2019Neurotechnology, a provider of high-precision biometric identification technologies, today announced their latest results in the NIST MINEX III (Minutiae Interoperability Exchange) evaluation. Algorithms from Neurotechnology are top in accuracy and are ranked first in both leaderboard categories: 1) most interoperable fingerprint template generator and 2) most interoperable fingerprint template generator and matcher pair.

"I am proud of our research team for having created the most interoperable and accurate fingerprint recognition algorithm," said Dr. Justas Kranauskas, head of the biometric research department for Neurotechnology. "An independent confirmation like this means that our customers can have confidence in our continually evolving and improving technologies."

In addition to having the most interoperable solution, Neurotechnology's template generator and template matcher are also the second fastest in the MINEX III evaluation leaderboard.

The currently topped-ranked Neurotechnology fingerprint algorithm evaluated at NIST MINEX III is included in the Neurotechnology MegaMatcher multibiometric product line which covers fingerprint (VeriFinger), face (VeriLook), eye iris (VeriEye) and voice (VeriSpeak) modalities. It is also included in solutions for large and national-scale applications in Neurotechnology's MegaMatcher Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) and MegaMatcher Accelerator products.

The entire Neurotechnology biometric product line can be purchased from Neurotechnology and through distributors worldwide. For more information, go to

About Neurotechnology

Neurotechnology is a developer of high-precision algorithms and software based on deep neural networks and other AI-related technologies. The company was launched in 1990 in Vilnius, Lithuania, with the key idea of using neural networks for various applications, such as biometric person identification, computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence. Since the first release of its fingerprint identification system in 1991, the company has delivered more than 200 products and version upgrades. More than 3,000 system integrators, security companies and hardware providers in more than 140 countries integrate Neurotechnology's algorithms into their products. The company's algorithms have achieved top results in independent technology evaluations, including NIST MINEX, PFT, FRVT, IREX and FVC-onGoing.

Media Contact

Jennifer Allen Newton
Bluehouse Consulting Group, Inc.
jennifer (at) bluehousecg (dot) com

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