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Solution Partner products

Below are references to Solution Partner products based on our biometric technology. More information about obtaining the "Solution Partner" status is available here.

Click on the product name to view product details.

 Group by field of application | Group by country | Grouped by developer 

Access Computech Pvt Ltd. (India)
ProductField of application
Attendance recording and Contract Labour identity managementeID issuing system

ACLT Computing, Inc. (Philippines)
ProductField of application
Prime SystemTime and attendance control

Acuo Technologies (Pty) Ltd (South Africa)
ProductField of application
Voter Management System (VMS)Voter registration system

ADC Systems (India)
ProductField of application
BioPassPhysical access control
e-AttendanceTime and attendance control

Adis BV (Netherlands)
ProductField of application
ToRSCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

Aditech Infotech Pvt Ltd (India)
ProductField of application
JustLookTime and attendance control

Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
ProductField of application
Bosnia and Herzegovina Biometric Passport and ID SystemPassport issuing system

Alert Life Sciences Computing, S.A. (Portugal)
ProductField of application
ALERTLogical access control

Aliasit s.r.l. (Italy)
ProductField of application
PerfectGymPhysical access control

Alpha Software (Togo)
ProductField of application
BIOCRIM 3.0Criminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system

Anaxee Technologies Pvt. Ltd (India)
ProductField of application
Anaxee AttendanceAccess and attendance control

Arkivus Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda (Brazil)
ProductField of application
Arkivus CredCivil AFIS/ABIS

BioAXS Co. Ltd (Thailand)
ProductField of application
Face Recognition Attendance SystemTime and attendance control
Face Recognition Windows Logon SystemBiometric Logon
Fingerprint Attendance SystemTime and attendance control

Biometría Aplicada S. A. de C. V. (Mexico)
ProductField of application
Multi-Biometric Enrollment System (MBES®)Civil AFIS/ABIS

Biometrika Chile S.A. (Chile)
ProductField of application
Biometrika WebAssistance Markup AccessAccess and attendance control

Biostore Limited (UK)
ProductField of application
BiostoreIdentity verification system

Biotek International S.A.S. (Colombia)
ProductField of application
Biotek Identity Management suiteeID issuing system

Brithol Michcoma (Netherlands)
ProductField of application
SABIS - Secure Advanced Biometric Issuing SystemeID issuing system

BRy Tecnologia (Brazil)
ProductField of application
BRy PSBIOeID issuing system

Business Oriented Computer Systems (Malaysia)
ProductField of application
BOCSFISTime and attendance control

ProductField of application
BioRostrumSurveillance system with facial identification

Cenmetrix (Pvt) Ltd (Sri Lanka)
ProductField of application

Cerberus (Mexico)
ProductField of application
CerberusTime and attendance control

ChiroTouch (USA)
ProductField of application
ChiroTouchCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

CNG Technologies (USA)
ProductField of application
Parent PagerAccess and attendance control

CODE Inc. (Canada)
ProductField of application
Kenya Voter Registration SystemVoter registration system

Codify Asia Limited (India)
ProductField of application
Smart Identification SystemAccess and attendance control

Companhia Athletica (Brazil)
ProductField of application
CiaSoftPhysical access control

Computer ID (Brazil)
ProductField of application
RobotIDTime and attendance control
TouchAccessPhysical access control
TouchClockTime and attendance control

Count Me In, LLC (USA)
ProductField of application
Timecard MonitorTime and attendance control

Cyclone Industries Ltd (UK)
ProductField of application
Live RegisterAccess and attendance control

Data Edge Limited (Bangladesh)
ProductField of application
Machine Readable Passport Enrollment and Delivery Solution (CaptureID)Passport issuing system

Datasite S.A.S. (Colombia)
ProductField of application
VerificacionIrisAccess and attendance control

DigiFace Solutions (Singapore)
ProductField of application
DigiFace Time and Attendance Time and attendance control
DigiFace Visitor Management SystemAccess and attendance control
DigiFaceID Access Control SolutionPhysical access control

Dohatec New Media (Bangladesh)
ProductField of application
Bangladesh Voter Registration Duplicate Search SystemDuplicates search system

DPM Systems Ltd (UK)
ProductField of application
IMCS - Immigration Management and Control System for System iPassport issuing system

Dynamic Solutions (Pakistan)
ProductField of application
Clients VerisysCustomer relationship management (CRM) software
Time Attendance SystemTime and attendance control

E.D.S. Innoventions (Philippines)
ProductField of application
E.D.S. FingerID SystemTime and attendance control

Ex-Cle S.A. (Argentina)
ProductField of application
Beer Cap RockolaObject recognition apps
BioPaymentIdentity verification system
Finger AttendanceTime and attendance control
FingerPrint RecoverCriminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system
FingerSafeCivil AFIS/ABIS

Ex-Sight.Com, Ltd (Israel)
ProductField of application
FRS AccessPhysical access control
FRS LogonBiometric Logon

Fingersec do Brasil Ltda (Brazil)
ProductField of application
FS ID-ControlerAccess and attendance control

Fusion Biometrics India (India)
ProductField of application
BioAuthorizeETTime and attendance control
BioAuthorizeLANBiometric Logon
BioAuthorizePDAAccess and attendance control

ProductField of application
KARMACriminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system

General Security S.A. de C.V. (El Salvador)
ProductField of application
GS AFIS Version II 2007Passport issuing system

Gens Software Ltd. (Canada)
ProductField of application
Video SurviellanceSurveillance system with facial identification

Grupo Milénio3 (Portugal)
ProductField of application
UMV3Time and attendance control
UMV5 – access control unitTime and attendance control

Hoang Vy Co. (Vietnam)
ProductField of application
TA95Time and attendance control

HSB identification B.V. (Netherlands)
ProductField of application

Hyweb Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan)
ProductField of application
Hyweb Border control systemCivil AFIS/ABIS

IConcepts Co., Ltd. (Thailand)
ProductField of application
LiveScan4AllCivil AFIS/ABIS
M4AllTime and attendance control

iconnect Soluções Conectadas (Brazil)
ProductField of application
iconnect Academia, AcessoAccess and attendance control

IDMission LLC (USA)
ProductField of application
IDNOWTime and attendance control

Idscan Biometrics Limited (UK)
ProductField of application
CloakscanIdentity verification system
inTouchCustomer relationship management (CRM) software
SmokeScreenTime and attendance control

ProductField of application
Spanish airports border control solutionsCivil AFIS/ABIS

Infokey Software Solutions Ltd. (Greece)
ProductField of application
GateKeeperPhysical access control

InnoMedia Seguridad, S.A. (Spain)
ProductField of application
StiFACEPhysical access control
StiSCABPhysical access control

Intellect TDR Technologies Pte Ltd (Singapore)
ProductField of application
INTBioTime and attendance control

Interactive Designs, Inc (USA)
ProductField of application
SalonTouchCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

Intercoop Comercial México, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)
ProductField of application
InterDigitalAccess and attendance control

Inttelix Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (India)
ProductField of application
Contract Labour & Employee Management SystemAccess and attendance control

Iquantics Corp. (USA)
ProductField of application
IQbiometriceID issuing system
IQborderCivil AFIS/ABIS
IQdriveeID issuing system
IQGuardSurveillance system with facial identification

IT WORKS (Thailand)
ProductField of application
IT WORKS Biometrics SolutionsPhysical access control

Izpal Corporation Limited (Thailand)
ProductField of application
Izpal OnTimeTime and attendance control

Kressa Software Corp (USA)
ProductField of application
SchoolLeader Childcare Management SystemAccess and attendance control

Lacuna Software (Brazil)
ProductField of application
WebvotoVoting solution

Lifewares LLC (USA)
ProductField of application
CONFIDENT Childcare Management SoftwareAccess and attendance control

MCS TECH S.A. (Colombia)
ProductField of application
Bio-LimitPhysical access control

MWETANA Consulting and Technology Group (Liberia)
ProductField of application
Online Beneficiary Claims SystemIdentity verification system

Nanjing Universal Prosperity Technologies Co. Ltd (China)
ProductField of application
i-Face security platformAccess and attendance control

ProductField of application
In Out Jail ManagerPhysical access control

National Recidivism Registry under the Argentina's Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Argentina)
ProductField of application
SIID (Sistema Informático de Identificación Dactiloscópica)Criminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system

Neokoros Brasil Ltda (Brazil)
ProductField of application
NK-DoorAccess and attendance control
NK-FP2Access and attendance control
NK-RollAccess and attendance control

NETe2 Asia Pte Ltd (Singapore)
ProductField of application
Video Management systemSurveillance system with facial identification

Nirph Digital (Pty) Ltd (South Africa)
ProductField of application
CISCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

Olimpia Management SA (Colombia)
ProductField of application
SISECeID issuing system

P2 Digital Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
ProductField of application
FingerFlexAccess and attendance control

Pangea NGU LTD (Israel)
ProductField of application
Population Registration SystemCivil AFIS/ABIS

Perzona, Inc. (USA)
ProductField of application
SBH 5.0Logical access control

Pinecone Associates Ltd (UK)
ProductField of application
IdentiTillIdentity verification system
IdentiTripTime and attendance control

Polish Security Printing Works (Poland)
ProductField of application
Poland Biometric Passport SystemPassport issuing system

Portoss S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)
ProductField of application
SISPEGCriminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system

PowerHub Technology Solution Limited (Nigeria)
ProductField of application
Biometrics Solution for Kebbi StateDuplicates search system

Proton Solutions Ltd (UK)
ProductField of application
Biometric Passport and Border Control SystemCivil AFIS/ABIS

PT. Nusantara Compnet Integrator (Indonesia)
ProductField of application
Biometric Capture SystemIdentity verification system

QUARDTEC (Pakistan)
ProductField of application
Quard BIOCHECKAccess and attendance control
Quard BIOCHRONTime and attendance control

Remesas Quisqueyana, Inc. (USA)
ProductField of application
Check Cashing SystemIdentity verification system

Sahal Tech Solutions (Somaliland)
ProductField of application
Somaliland National ID ProjecteID issuing system

SARBASH Lab. (Ukraine)
ProductField of application
BIO SKDAccess and attendance control

Scanwell SA (Switzerland)
ProductField of application
BISeID issuing system

Secure Check Cashing Systems, Inc. (USA)
ProductField of application
Secure Check Cashing SystemIdentity verification system

SecureMantra Technologies (P) Ltd (India)
ProductField of application
Criminal AFPIS Enterprise VersionCriminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system

Security Database B.V. (Netherlands)
ProductField of application
VideoIdentCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

Security Systems Ltda (Colombia)
ProductField of application
The Guardian Matching ServerCivil AFIS/ABIS

Simulation and System integration Lab (Vietnam)
ProductField of application
SiS C@FISCriminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system

Sinfic (Portugal)
ProductField of application
BTMS - Bio Tools Management SystemVoter registration system

SiSQUAL (Portugal)
ProductField of application
HOLISTIC Human Resources systemTime and attendance control

Skotkonung, Ltd. (UK)
ProductField of application
Individual Enrolment and MonitoringIdentity verification system

Smart Identification (India)
ProductField of application
Biometric Volunteer Management SystemCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

SmartDox Pty Ltd (Australia)
ProductField of application
ChurchWorxCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

Smartmatic (Netherlands)
ProductField of application
SIMS - Smartmatic Identity Management SolutionIdentity verification system

Soft for You, sl. (Spain)
ProductField of application
BoxstoyAccess and attendance control

Software Group BG (Bulgaria)
ProductField of application
UT BioIdentity verification system

Soluciones Digitales Integrdas S.A. (Colombia)
ProductField of application
Identity TrakerLogical access control

Spirit Ingenieria SA de CV (Mexico)
ProductField of application
BIOACCESSTime and attendance control

Supercard Limited (Nigeria)
ProductField of application
Supercard Data Repository (SDR) Application SuiteeID issuing system

T&T International Group, S.A. (Venezuela)
ProductField of application
HuellaTime and attendance control

TALAN AI (Ukraine)
ProductField of application
National Biometric Verification and Identification System of UkraineCivil AFIS/ABIS

Techno Brain Limited (Tanzania)
ProductField of application
SecuRegisterIdentity verification system

Teeny-weeny Limited (Hong Kong)
ProductField of application
NoQAccess and attendance control

Testec S.A. (Colombia)
ProductField of application
SER - The Evaluation and Recognition SystemIdentity verification system

Tharsis S.A. (Argentina)
ProductField of application
HexaBankCustomer relationship management (CRM) software

Transtep Technology Inc. (Taiwan)
ProductField of application
Biometric Verification Access Control SystemPhysical access control

Travash Software Solutions (India)
ProductField of application
Mobile app for missing children searchIdentity verification system

TST Biometrics GmbH (Germany)
ProductField of application
BiRD - Touchless Fingerprint Sensor with Live Finger DetectionAccess and attendance control

USSI - Union Solution Security Integrator (Ukraine)
ProductField of application
INNISurveillance system with facial identification

VERONICA Technologies (Peru)
ProductField of application
VERONICA Core SurveillanceSurveillance system with facial identification

Wizards Solutions Ltd (Nigeria)
ProductField of application
WiFISTime and attendance control

X/LINK software (Indonesia)
ProductField of application
Indonesia Biometric Passport SystemPassport issuing system

Zetes (Belgium)
ProductField of application
Sierra Leone Biometric Voter Registration SystemVoter registration system
Zetes People Registration System (PRS)eID issuing system

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