Product Information
Product name: HexaBank
Product's field of application: Customer relationship management (CRM) software
Developed by
Tharsis S.A.,
Italia 1184 , Piso 2, San Miguel, Buenos Aires
Phone: (+54) 11 4667 6616
Fax: (+54) 11 4667 6616 ext 102
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
DigitalPersona U.are.U
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista
Product description
HexaBank is a Blood Bank & Transfusion Information System.
The system is used for these tasks:
• Donors selection and evaluation.
• Blood Collection.
• Blood products extraction, storage and disposal.
• Recipient Patients management and testing.
• Electronic Crosscheck between patient and bags.
• Management of Blood Transfusion.
• Manage sending/receiving bags with other centers.
Brief information about developer
Tharsis is a software company specialized in the development of health care systems, mainly in laboratories and blood banks across Latin America and the Caribbean.