Product Information
Product name: SBH 5.0
Product's field of application: Logical access control
Developed by
Perzona, Inc.,
200 SW First. Ave, Suite 850, Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
Phone: +1-954-385-8262
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XS / Server 2003
Product description
A system for the banking sector, that prevents fraud and validates the access of the customer to the various banking channels through the use of the fingerprint to authenticate the identity of the customer.
The system is used by BBVA Banco Povincial (Venezuela).
Brief information about developer
Perzona Inc. is a company with more than 10 years on the technology market. The company is a subsidiary of Perzona Corp. for the development of biometric solutions to support fraud prevention in the banking system, through the administration of the identity and security schemes.