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Product Information

Product name: Cloakscan

Product's field of application: Identity verification system

Developed by
Idscan Biometrics Limited,
5 Skyline Village, Lime Harbour, London E14 9TS
Phone: +44 (0) 207 987 9977
Fax: +44 (0) 845 003 1091

Product's web page address:

Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger Extended SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000

Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista

Product description
Cloakscan is a coat-check cloakroom and lost property management system. Cloakscan quickly registers a biometric fingerprint, simultaneously, it records a video still of the transaction as customers leave their personal belongings. The solution allows to avoid the issues like lost tickets, insurance claims, stolen items, agitated customers, cloak room bottle necks, re-sold ticket fraud and expensive ticket consumables.
The staff also benefits from the Cloakscan system, as they have complete control over the property in their care and to do their job confidently and safely. The touch-screen technology allows quick and easy processing of each item. Multiple users can log on at the same time, so large establishments can link cloakroom information. The system is also able to generate various reports and statistics.
Bakers Lounge Bar and Nightclub in Southend-on-Sea is the world's first venue to use the system.

Brief information about developer
Idscan is a scanning software and hardware developer and distributor. The company is specialising in the Leisure, construction and security industries.

Other products, developed by Idscan Biometrics Limited

ProductField of application
inTouchCustomer relationship management (CRM) software
SmokeScreenTime and attendance control

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