Product Information
Product name: SchoolLeader Childcare Management System
Product's field of application: Access and attendance control
Developed by
Kressa Software Corp,
3724 Hunter's Isle Drive, Orlando, FL
Phone: +1 407 856 0058
Fax: +1 407 956 9941
Product's web page address:
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger Standard SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Digitum Series 3000 and Series 2600 fingerprint scanners
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 2003 Server
Product description
SchoolLeader Childcare Management System is a full featured management system to control all aspects of daily operations including accounting, attendance, perimeter security, employee and student scheduling, etc. The system is intended for using in preschools, camps, daycare, elementary schools.
SchoolLeader is used by more than 800 schools.
Brief information about developer
Kressa Software specializes in the design and development of Microsoft Windows based business applications and networks for the Childcare, Consulting, Communication and Entertainment industries. Kressa develops both Custom and Packaged software products for a wide spectrum of computer platforms and businesses.