Product Information
Product name: HOLISTIC Human Resources system
Product's field of application: Time and attendance control
Developed by
Rua de Carlos Dubini, 169, 4150-188 Porto
Phone: +351229397790
Fax: +351229397799
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger Extended SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000B
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XP
Product description
The HOLISTIC Human Resources system uses biometrics for human resources management. The system is able to plan the requirements, check if current employee availability is sufficient to meet the stated plan, register the presence of employees, calculate absent time and extra-time worked, integrate with payment system.
The system's customers are Siemens,
Epcos and SONAE companies, and over 55 hospitals in Portugal.