Product Information
Product name: Bio-Limit
Product's field of application: Physical access control
Developed by
Calle 100 No. 20-76 Of. 601, Bogota
Phone: +57-1-6223088, +57-1-6223542
Fax: +57-1-2565582
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger Extended SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
• DigitalPersona or Cross Match scanner
• Pentium CPU
• at least 64 MB of RAM
• 20 Gb free space on hard disk drive
Supported OS and software requirements
MS Windows
Product description
It's a software and hardware solution to make a secure people control to restricted areas. It works in a LAN or stand alone stations and interacting with mechanisms as doors, turnstiles, digital cameras and others.
Brief information about developer
MCS is a Engineering company who has devoloped identification solutions to work with ATM's, Access Control, Time and Attendance, Point of Sale, Bank Cashier, Jails, Fitness Services, Restaurants, between others.