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Product name: BRy PSBIO

Product's field of application: eID issuing system

Developed by
BRy Tecnologia,
Rua Lauro Linhares, 2123, Trindade
Phone: +55 4832346696

Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Suprema BioMini Slim fingerprint reader, Logitech 920C camera.

Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, Linux

Product description
BRy PSBio is a client-server solution for Certification Authorities at ICP-Brasil, the Brazilian PKI. At ICP-Brasil, CAs are required to verify the subject identity by collecting and verifying facial and finger biometric data before issuing a qualified certificate. The data is verified on a distributed biometric database (called PSBIO) composed from data collected on all CAs that are part of the PKI, and stored on different PSBIO system providers. Therefore interoperability and speed are important requirements of the system. The solution developed by BRy is composed by a desktop application, available for Windows and Linux, that guides the operator on collecting the biometric data with the required quality, verified on real time, and submits the data to the server following all the requirements of the ICP-Brasil normatives. At the end, the system issues a report for the operator on the status of the enrollment/verification, to be attached on the subjects profile. On the server side, the solution provides biometric database management tools, anonymizes the biometric data following ICP-Brasil standards and processes the data collected looking for fraud suspects and duplicates. There are also user interfaces for reviewing fraud suspects, including detailed side-by-side comparison. The server side component also communicates with systems from other providers and CAs using standard ANSI/NIST transactions, to verify biometric profiles that may have been collected on other CAs.
The solution is being used by ICP-Brasil (Brazil's National Institute of Informational Technologies).
BRy PSBio currently consists of 2 server-side machines (primary and disaster recovery) and 54 client-side machines. Additional 800 client-side machines are planned to be added soon.

Brief information about developer
BRy Tecnologia is company focused on providing security for electronic documents. We are a Brazilian reference on Digital Certification, Electronic Signatures and Time Stamping.

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