Product Information
Product name: Biometric Verification Access Control System
Product's field of application: Physical access control
Developed by
Transtep Technology Inc.,
6F., No.53, Mincyuan 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802
Phone: +886-7-5351008
Fax: +886-7-5362997
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger SDK, VeriLook SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
1 GHz CPU and 512 MB RAM
Supported OS and software requirements
Product description
Biometric Verification Access Control System is the infrastructure,the technology and the solution of access control that has met global standard of verification technology.
Via exactly capture, collect, process, adapt, analyze and match biometric information from relative images systematically enhance the reliability of identification performance then effective to prevent private or public asset been unauthorized access, stolen and damaged.
The solution has been installed in Taiwan Cooperative Bank's treasury and ATM cashboxs for using Biometric Verification identity system.
Brief information about developer
Transtep Technology was established in 2001 and founded by the roots in a long-standing research and development team since the rise of the Linux / Open source is made.
We are the major partner of SI/ISV in Taiwan and main serviced from SaaS to Paas as well as business applications development and intergration.
Our R&D team has excellent experienced in highly goal-oriented, software architectured IT projects excution and always committe to provide high quality technical services with scalable innovation capabilities and our businesss has reached to government units, non-government organizations, SI / ISV , SME owners and so on.