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Product name: Bosnia and Herzegovina Biometric Passport and ID System

Product's field of application: Passport issuing system

Developed by
Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Miše Stupara 38, 78 000 Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387-51340170
Fax: +387-51340180

Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher Extended SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Cluster Server: Intel Xeon 2Ghz with 4Gb RAM
Cluster Nodes: desktop PCs with 3Gb of RAM
Clients: desktop PCs with 1-2Gb of RAM, Dermalog ZF1 fingerprint readers and Canon PowerShot 110SX digital cameras.

Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server for the MegaMatcher Cluster Server
Microsoft Windows XP for the Cluster Nodes and Clients.

Product description
IDDEEA developed the biometric identification system in-house using the MegaMatcher Extended SDK. The system, which was launched in October 2009, uses both MegaMatcher Client and MegaMatcher Cluster and ensures quality and accuracy required to meet European Union standards. The system consists of a Cluster Server and ten Cluster Nodes on the server side, as well as numerous clients in the field offices.
Read the case study (PDF).

Brief information about developer
The Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange (also known as IDDEEA) was established in June 2008 as an administrative organization within the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. IDDEEA is charged with governing all aspects of personal identification documents, including issuance and personalization, storage, transport and maintenance of the central registers and data exchange between the competent authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. IDDEEA is also responsible for the personalization and technical processing of passports, identity cards, driving licenses and other identification documents, as well as ensuring that all identification documents meet EU standards.

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