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Product Information

Product name: Spanish airports border control solutions

Product's field of application: Civil AFIS/ABIS

Developed by
Avenida de Bruselas No. 35, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid
Phone: +34-914805000
Fax: +34-914805080

Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher SDK, VeriFinger SDK, VeriLook SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Solution is a kiosk with built-in passport scanner, fingerprint reader, face capture camera and computer hardware with touch-screen display.

Supported OS and software requirements
No requirements, as the solution is a complete kiosk system.

Product description
Indra has deployed quick access border control systems based on MegaMatcher, VeriFinger and VeriLook in the airports of Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona-El Prat for European citizens. The newly installed systems facilitate the rapid entry into national territory, and therefore the Schengen common European area, to travelers who own a Spanish electronic ID card or a European Community electronic passport. The systems perform a dual biometric test using facial and fingerprint recognition for passenger identity verification. All citizens of the European Union countries, the European Economic Area and Switzerland are eligible to use this system.
Read the case study (PDF).

Brief information about developer
Indra is a global company of technology, innovation, and talent. A leader in high value-added solutions and services for Security, Transport, Energy, Telecom, as well as many other sectors, Indra operates in over 100 countries and has 29,000 employees worldwide. Indra has the highest investment in R&D and is the second largest in market capitalization within its sector of European companies.
By combining electronics, communications and IT, Indra's solutions add intelligence to many different infrastructures in order to respond to a client's challenges and issues and improve their economic, social and environmental performance, thus assisting in their long-term sustainability.

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