Product Information
Product name: BioRostrum
Product's field of application: Surveillance system with facial identification
Developed by
Juan N. Frias 103, Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro
Phone: +52 442-229-7285
Development tool(s) used: VeriLook Surveillance SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Any IP camera supported by VeriLook Surveillance.
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7
Product description
BioRostrum allows government agencies to enforce public safety, helping them to identify suspects on real time inside a camera network. Administrators can define a suspect list of photographs, which will be validated and processed by BioRostrum; after that, If the suspect appears on any of the network camera, an alert will rise on the surveillance center, showing his personal data and his position. BioRostrum includes a module for reporting alerts by camera, suspect and any other alert information field.
Brief information about developer
C3 Technology is devoted to create new technology products based on biometrics, software and electronics, in order to bring physical and logical safety to private companies and government. Company's team has several years of experience on IT projects and biometric consultancy, which is complemented with applied research on some of the main academic institutions of Mexico and best practices of leading customers.