Product Information
Product name: GS AFIS Version II 2007
Product's field of application: Passport issuing system
Developed by
General Security S.A. de C.V.,
San Fernando, Calle Principal, #21-A, San Salvador
El Salvador
Phone: +503 22112538
Fax: +503 22112539
Product's web page address:
Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Identix DFR2100
Supported OS and software requirements
Client side: Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP;
Server side: Microsoft Windows Server 2000 / 2003
Product description
GS AFIS version II is used for El Salvador's National Passport System and is deployed in multiple governmental departments, including El Salvador's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subdivisions of the Ministry of Public Security and Justice, including the General Directorate of Penitentiaries and the General Directorate of Migration.
Since implementation of the national passport solution began in September 2007, El Salvador's national database has been growing at a rate of 2,000 new people per week.
The GS AFIS software is a complete solution for multi-biometric face/fingerprint biometric identification and verification that is currently used for passport issuing, inmate registration, prisons visitors and background clearance.
Read the case study (PDF).
Brief information about developer
General Security El Salvador S.A. de C.V., provides security products for police, military, tactical and forensic use.