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Product Information

Product name: BTMS - Bio Tools Management System

Product's field of application: Voter registration system

Developed by
Estrada da Ponte, n° 2 - Quinta Grande-Alfragide, 2610-141 Amadora
Phone: +351 210 103 900
Fax: +351 210 103 999

Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
None, as the product works with images only.

Supported OS and software requirements
Linux & MS Windows 2003

Product description
BTMS main installation is Angola's Electoral Enrollment.
The system consists of these parts:
BioChecker – a de-duplication process for large systems, namely voting systems. Its main goal is to grab a large fingerprint database and check for duplicate records, basing the criteria in biometric information. Currently only supports fingerprint databases, but it is ready for adding support to Face recognition and other methods.
BioFinder – an identification system for large fingerprint and face databases (under development). The development is about to start and provides a tool for finding records in the database based on biometric information. It gets a fingerprint or a face, and, in a multimedia environment (beeps, images scrolling, etc.) shows the nodes work as they progress on finding the records within the database.

Brief information about developer
The company works in IT, providing it?s costumers with solutions and advice on their particular problems. It provides development solutions, Business Intelligence Solutions, ERP Solutions (SAP, S4, etc.), Biometric Solutions, Application Design And Construction Solutions, etc.

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