Product Information
Product name: Beer Cap Rockola
Product's field of application: Object recognition apps
Developed by
Ex-Cle S.A.,
Paraguay 1896 5to piso, Buenos Aires (C1121ABB)
Phone: +54-11-4815-3488
Development tool(s) used: SentiSight SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Web Camera, Rock-Ola jukebox, beer cap managing device
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows 7
Product description
The application runs as a support app for a Rock-Ola jukebox system. It handles a mechanical device that places the beer cap in front of the camera. The software captures a frame and identifies beer brand, if it matches with the customers models it wil allow selecting one music theme. If the beer cap does not belong to the selected brand, it will be discarded by the same mechanism.
The product is installed at a bar in Argentina. The use of the rockola increased the beer bottles sale by 20%.
Other products, developed by Ex-Cle S.A.
Product | Field of application |
BioPayment | Identity verification system |
Finger Attendance | Time and attendance control |
FingerPrint Recover | Criminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system |
FingerSafe | Civil AFIS/ABIS |