Product Information
Product name: BioPayment
Product's field of application: Identity verification system
Developed by
Ex-Cle S.A.,
Paraguay 1896 5to piso, Buenos Aires (C1121ABB)
Phone: +54-11-4815-3488
Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Any fingerprint reader which is supported by MegaMatcher SDK.
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows 7, Android, iOS
Product description
BioPayment is a ready-to-use bank platform which provides secure identification for banking transactions. It can run on almost any device and can be integrated to the bank architecture in order to provide secure transactions, both in credit or debit card operations. The open architecture that allows installation on PC, phone or tablet, running Windows, Android or IOS.
The product is currently installed and operating in the Bank of Venezuela.
Other products, developed by Ex-Cle S.A.
Product | Field of application |
Beer Cap Rockola | Object recognition apps |
Finger Attendance | Time and attendance control |
FingerPrint Recover | Criminal AFIS/ABIS or forensic application system |
FingerSafe | Civil AFIS/ABIS |