Product Information
Product name: JustLook
Product's field of application: Time and attendance control
Developed by
Aditech Infotech Pvt Ltd,
2nd Flr, 24/25 Shubh Complex, Near Rajasthan Hospital, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad - 380004, Gujarat
Phone: +91-8238448049
Product's web page address:
Development tool(s) used: VeriLook SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Logitech Camera
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows
Product description
JustLook is a Face Recognition System for time management, visitors management and access control.
Time Attendance – The software is created to calculate accurate attendance and punctuality of every employee. It is a revolutionized product that brings increasing efficiency and productivity of the employees which contributes in the overall development and growth of the company.
Visitor Management System – Large organizations that failed to record the entry and exit of thousands of visitors need this system. The system automatically detects new visitors and can enroll the entry of repeat visitors.
Access Control System – For controlling unauthorized access of a sensitive area, this system is imparting a great contribution for securing the company's premise. With its user friendly and interesting features, it enables the users to customize the system in accord with their requirements.
Brief information about developer
Aditech Infotech Pvt Ltd is a Solutions Provider Company with 14 years of Industrial Experience. The company develops IT Solutions which helps you to better market your services, better serve your clients and better manage your workflow.