Product Information
Product name: Poland Biometric Passport System
Product's field of application: Passport issuing system
Developed by
Polish Security Printing Works,
1 Sanguszki str., 00-222 Warsaw
Phone: +48-225302000
Fax: +48-225302450
Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Dermalog ZF1
Supported OS and software requirements
Not specified
Product description
Polish Security Printing Works, working closely with the Polish government selected VeriFinger fingerprint recognition technology to be the verification engine for all newly issued passports.
The VeriFinger-based fingerprint system was implemented as a part of the biometric data capture in all 130 passport offices throughout Poland.
High performance and flexible licensing options enabled Polish Security Printing Works to quickly obtain, develop and implement the technology.
Read the case study (PDF).
Brief information about developer
Polish Security Printing Works (PWPW S.A. - Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartosciowych S.A.) is a company distinguished in the market by both effective quality and security assurance methods, as well as its unique machine stock.
PWPW has been operating for over 90 years in the elite market of manufacturing highly secured documents and forms.
The company is producing Polish banknotes, biometric passports, polycarbonate ID cards, driver's licences, transport documents, visas, postage stamps, excise duty bands, shares, bond, secured paper and bank cards.
Polish Security Printing Works has also worked on a number of foreign contracts and is also doing system integration in the projects of national eID cards and biometric passports.