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Product Information

Product name: Mobile app for missing children search

Product's field of application: Identity verification system

Developed by
Travash Software Solutions,
Door No:1-10-74/B/101 & part 102, First Floor, Technopolis Building, Begumpet, Hyderabad-500016, Telangana
Phone: +919000019445

Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher Accelerator, VeriLook SDK, SentiVeillance SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Cameras in the mobile devices

Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

Product description
The mobile app has been developed for a security agency to help finding missing children at the national level. The app extracts template from a face and that template is being matched against missing kids database on server-side in real-time.

The whole system runs on 2 servers with MegaMatcher Accelerator software and 1,000 mobile devices used in the field. 500,000 people are already enrolled into the system. The security agency reports excellent results.

Brief information about developer
Travash Software Solutions is a privately held company headquartered at Hyderabad, India. It has been started by young IT professionals with several years of experience in wide range of technology and domains. Travash offers a complete spectrum of IT services that include application development and maintenance, production support, product development and manpower consulting. We bring to the table a unique combination of expertise backed by an innate knowledge of several business domains such as Manufacturing, Human Resources, Health Care, Hospitality, Retail and Education. We have executed highly complex projects addressing the customer needs in very aggressive schedules, timelines and costs. Meeting your need is our topmost priority. To achieve this, we have developed our delivery model that is flexible to your requirements. This enables us to ensure that the highest quality standards are used for your engagements at the most optimal costs.

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